Contact information

Međgaje 9, Mačkovec
40 000 Čakovec

+385 (0)40 341 216
+385 (0)40 341 441

Legal information

Company name (long): Strojometal Faić društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za proizvodnju i usluge

Company name (short): Strojometal Faić d.o.o.

Headquarter: Mačkovec (Grad Čakovec) Međgaje 9

VAT: 51767533293

The court where the company is registered in the Court Register: Commercial Court in Varaždin

Number under which the company is entered in the Court Register: 070085950

Corporate share capital: 20 000kn, paid in full.

Founder / Member: Goran Faić, OIB: 22609704346

Company and headquarters of institution where account is held and account number:

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